Hello Saint John!

August 26, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,

Tonight is my first night in Saint John, and today was awesome. After a fun flight where no one was sitting next to me, my bag arrived and I got my rental car with no fuss, and drove about fifteen minutes to the hotel, located on the water in the center of town. As soon as I arrived, I was hit in the face with some refreshing salty ocean breeze. This was certainly a nice change of pace from the larger, less-near-the-coast cities I had been in for the past week and a half.

I quickly made some new friends– here we are all together: 

After checking into the hotel, my mood was lifted even more when I saw that my room was big and cold, and that the bathroom was outfitted with amazing Crabtree and Evelyn shampoos and soaps, and that they have my favorite kind of shower drain!

After doing some work in the hotel, I went out on a walk to explore around Uptown Saint John. It’s small and pleasant, and the people here seem extraordinarily friendly.

Here’s a picture of what it looks like from outside the hotel:

The body of water that you see here is a harbor in the Bay of Fundy. The Bay of Fundy is very famous because it has the highest tides in the world. I knew about it from studying it in marine bio in high school. You can read all about it at http://bayoffundy.com/about/ . In the picture, the tide is low-ish.

At dinner, I sat next to a couple from the area, and we chatted about Boston sports teams, work, and family. I was surprised to hear that if they want to go skiing, they go to Vermont and Maine! Boston is approximately 7 hours away from here by car, and people from Saint John go there often, especially to watch the Patriots! Many of people I spoke to also go there to see BC football games because the Patriots are getting expensive.

Happy Friday everybody!!! Good night.


2 Responses to “Hello Saint John!”

  1. sharon Says:

    I am one of your loyal blog followers. You write like Ronna, really detailed, and humorous!!
    Grandma and Grandpa have sailed the bay of Fundy many times and she has really funny stories, ask her!!

    Keep blogging!!
    Love, Auntie Sharon

    • annesandwich Says:

      Hi Aunty Sharon!

      Thanks! I appreciate your support. Grandma definitely has some funny stories about the bay of fundy! Have you decided where you are going to vacation this winter? Love, Anne

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